Salalah, Oman (Apr 22)

 Salalah, a hot and arid port on the Arabian Sea at the southern end of the Arabian peninsula, is the third largest city in Oman. It was/is famous for frankincense, its maritime history, and its role in the spice trade. During a brief tour I saw the Sultan’s palace, spice souk (market), Sultan Qaboos Mosque, banana plantations, and some very modern buildings including a gigantic shopping mall. It was the Eid, the feast marking the end of Ramadan, so the city was deserted and most shops were closed. Bill stayed on the ship because it was so hot.


  1. I actually like the smell of frankincense. It's a funny resin, isn't it? Bet it would be great as a cologne, sort of like patchouli if you remember that from the 60's.FB


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