Dubai, UAE (Apr 26)

Dubai, the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, is the most populous and developed of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Originally a small pearl fishing village it exploded in the 20th century into a luxury tourist hub with stunning architecture hugging the Arabian Gulf.

The first of our two days included a desert extravaganza with a falcon demonstration, female belly dancers, male whirling dervishes, and of course a feast fit for emirs! Our second day was spent in the world’s largest mall (with 1,200 high end stores) on a hunt for Apple Store to (unsuccessfully) back up phone, replenish liquor, buy flowers, and eat schwarma (mid-eastern roasted chicken sandwiches). And of course, I had to go up the Burg Khalifa, at 2,717 feet, the world’s tallest building.



  1. you could request a movie nite back on board with that Mission Impossible movie that had lots of stunts on the Birj Kalifa. _ Ghost Protocol. Stunts on the 130th floor. Nightmare stuff for me, but you're so brave.... (FB)

  2. Woah! This looked like a GREAT stop.

  3. Whoa, I need to visit here. It looks spectacular. Do we have to call you Emir Bob and Emir Bill when you get back?


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