São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe (Mar 27)

São Tomé and Principe are one country composed of two small archipelagos about 200 miles west of Gabon and are the second smallest country in Africa (Seychelles is smallest). The Portuguese used the islands to settle convicts and later established sugar cane plantations with the help of slaves imported from mainland Africa.

The harbor does not accommodate large vessels, so we tendered in and walked around a bit.

Crossing the Equator Ceremony where Slimy Polywogs are initiated into the Order of the Trusty Shellback (and have to kiss the fish to get King Neptune’s permission)


  1. You should add a map so we can see where in the world you are. David

    1. We posted a map and itinerary back on January 15 when we left San Francisco. If you can’t find it, send me an email, and I’ll resend to you.

  2. Welcome to the order, trusty shellback!

  3. Slimy Pollywog? Quite a comedown from "Angel" status. (Are you still on your
    Angel year?) FB

  4. Great!!! Getting closer to Maputo ;) — I hope you got to try some of the world’s best chocolate made from cocoa from São Tomé and Principe!!! Much love and see you soon


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