Manta, Ecuador

 Manta, another bustling port on the Pacific, thrives on its tuna industry. Tourism is developing around its lovely beaches, and expats have discovered a pleasant inexpensive lifestyle (one American told us he can live like a king here on $2,000/month: including 2 bedroom oceanfront condo for $600/month). And, Ecuador offers resident visas!

Local tourist board gave us a swag bag…

…Including a famous straw hat!

Our walking tour included the local market 

And a drive through to pick up your local live chicken 

The harbor and unloading tuna


  1. Fresh Chicken! Keep one for a Courier des Mardi Gras? How fun would Cajun Mardi Gras with a chicken run be on the boat? And fresh eggs everyday?!?


  2. Love the flowers! Amber

  3. Love the pictures and hat! Did we miss out by not moving to Equador vs. Costa Rica?!

  4. Katja Noschis DelaloyeFebruary 6, 2023 at 3:32 AM

    Planning to move there? So nice to see you both. Much love

  5. I was tempted to explore Ecuador, as a place to live when I was there... Go figure why they named them Panama hats, when they are really from Ecuador. Wish I had stowed away in your luggage.


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