Guayaquil, Ecuador

Guayaquil was added when all stops in Peru were cancelled. A major port located on the largest river to empty into the Pacific, Guayaquil exceeded expectations: beautiful quay along the river developed with children in mind, impressive government buildings, and of course a busy flower market.

Along the river walk; Ferris wheel in background

Catholic Cathedral and Seminario Park, home to many iguanas.

City Hall. Statues all over the downtown area.

The “Rotunda”, commemorating the 1822 meeting of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin, the two liberators of South America.

Kendie with flowers to brighten our rooms.


  1. Is that ferris wheel suppose to be a halo over Bob's head? Great photos and stories, guys. Thanks for keeping the blog. Jim O.

  2. I heard very nice things about Ecuador. I am glad that you liked it.

  3. Loving the pictures and update. Such a cute picture of Kendie with the flowers....Keep th eblog going!!

  4. It’s fun to follow around like this! You seem to be enjoying yourselves… keep on smiling! 🥰

  5. Iguanas are so snuggly. Did they love hanging out in trees like they do in Costa Rica? (FB)

    1. Yes! Except when it gets too cold, they just get numbed and fall out. It’s raining iguanas!


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