Acapulco, Mexico

Arrived this morning to sunny (hot!) Acapulco, big city lots of condos and hotels on the beach (like Miami). Immediately grabbed a taxi and took off to watch the famous cliff divers impressive (terrifying?) show. Then taxi took us on a private tour of the older parts of the town: Diego Garcia murals, Flamingo Hotel (home to the 40s Hollywood set), and finished with an excellent fresh fish lunch right on the beach. Back to ship for flamenco show around the pool.

Cliff divers: young men and women

Diego Garcia mural outside the home of his lover Lola Olenda

View point with travel companions Kendie and Joseph Hartman: note ship in background. Lunch on beach.

Folkloric show on pool deck.  Big day: now time for cocktails!


  1. Bob you should channel your former Water Polo Warrior self and give that cliff diving a try. Start with a short cliff.

  2. who doesn't love a guy in a speedo? Looks like beautiful, but hot, weather.

  3. Hot hot hot...but in a good way! Hope you are able to get some rest from a busy land adventure.

  4. Those cliff divers are crazy - timing the tides in and out to gage the water depth! These ports of call remind me of the Love Boat!!

  5. Great great pics. Send some from that broken down barge you’re traveling on. Living vicariously…..


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